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Monday, April 18, 2011

Monday Magic. (a giveaway + a guest post = awesome)

Well, whadaya know.  It’s Monday again.

One thing I love about blogging is that it forces me to keep a journal, of sorts.  No, I don’t dish my deepest secrets on this here blog (ooh, that makes me sound so interesting… I’m really not), but I do write a little bit about the happenings of my hours and days and weeks, and it’s fun to look back at old posts now and then.

Blogging also makes me realize just how fast time is whizzing by.  Like, whoa.  It was JUST Monday of LAST week. Where did seven days go?

Anyway. I’ll stop being all serious.  Sheesh. Let’s get to the fun stuff. Because giveaways make Mondays FUNNER! :D

I am so, so, so excited about today’s giveaway, because it comes from a really sweet, beautiful, and talented friend of mine: Sarah from Fairy Tales are True.  If you don’t know her, then go GET to know her.  (After you enter the giveaway of course.)  She has an amazing tale of survival (literally), and she is a world traveler with amazing photography to show for it. 

Here are some of her actual prints that I have in my own home!  Every time I look at them I smile…

ST Photography 033

ST Photography 031 ST Photography 028 ST Photography 020 ST Photography 021

Pretty darn fabulous, eh?

Here are a few more examples from her Etsy shop 

ST2 ST3 ST5 ST6 

So you wanna win one? Of course you do.

(the winner will get to choose any print from the shop! yippee!)

***I’m opening up comments for ALL readers (not just Google Friend Connect followers), so if you read this blog and want to enter, just leave a comment below!  (choose “anonymous” and sign your name if  you don’t have a Google account!)***

Entries (all separate comments - only #1 is mandatory):

1) Comment saying you follow, even if you’re not an official Google Friend Connect member

2) Visit Sarah’s Etsy shop and leave another comment letting me know which print you’d like to win! (be sure and sign your name if your comment is anonymous!)

3) Tweet about the giveaway and comment saying you did! Feel free to use this example: I just entered the Sarah Tucker Travel Photography giveaway at! Check it out!

4) Follow Sarah’s blog through Google Friend Connect and leave me a comment saying you did (or already do)!

That’s 4 possible entries!  GOOD LUCK!!! Contest ends Thursday at midnight.

* * * * * * *

***I’m also guest posting over at Yep, They Are All Mine today!  The topic is life-lessons I learned while waiting tables.  Fun times.


So head over there once you enter the giveaway, and be sure and check out Kimberly, the awesome blogger behind the blog.  She cracks me up on a regular basis, and I’m sure she’ll do the same for you. :)


Ditulis Oleh : admin // 7:23 AM


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