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Monday, July 11, 2011

Monday Randoms (my apologies in advance)

Hmmm.. what have I been up to lately, you ask? 

A smorgasbord of delightful, yet random activities that don’t exactly merit their own blog post, I suppose.  So I’ve been at a loss for blog-worthy material.  I’ve also been hard at work on a secret little surprise to be debuted tomorrow (hopefully).  But I’ll just leave you with that. :)

So since I’ve been having a hard time formulating a complete thought, let alone a complete blog post, I will simply word vomit all over this page in the form of random thoughts, gripes, and observations (with some fun pictures for good measure).  I apologize in advance.

1) What. the. hell.


I really love Texas and everything, but holy guacamole.  I can’t wait ‘til fall… and Christmas.  Who’s with me?

2) Speaking of guacamole, I have been obsessed with avocados lately.  OBSESSED.  My mouth literally started watering just thinking about them.  Last week I went over to Allison’s and we made PB&J and guacamole for lunch… cause we’re ballers like that.  And it was AWESOME.

Baby Davis! 124 I love you, guacamole.  Even though avocados make my lips and tongue burn cause I’m slightly allergic.  I still love you.

And speaking of Allison, I also took about 4 million pictures of her baby, Davis, while I was there.  Here’s a few of them:

Baby Davis! 043 Baby Davis! 065 Baby Davis! 036   Isn’t he cute?? Almost makes me want one.

4) And speaking of cute things,  here are a few photos of MY children.

Peru and BCF 042 Peru and BCF 054

I love them.

5) And last but not least, I went to a bbq filled with real-life people who couldn’t seem to understand why I was taking pictures of all the food.  Silly real-life people.  Also, I got some good pics of my BFF and I, and also of my BFF and her boyfriend who just graduated from pharmacy school and is officially a pharmacist now.  WOOHOO!! :)

Here, see?

Brandon's BBQ 002 Brandon's BBQ 022More guac…. NOM NOM NOM

Brandon's BBQ 059 Brandon's BBQ 070

Ooook. I told you this post would be random! Now that I’ve completely bored you, I will send you on your way. 

Happy Monday! :)


P.S. Be sure and check back tomorrow for my news!

P.P.S. I am not with child.

Ditulis Oleh : admin // 7:18 AM


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