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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I got mad.

Do you find that you often have to get MAD before anything gets done?  I do.

Somewhere around the time I was emptying the dishwasher this morning and screeching curses at my tupperware drawer for being such a disaster, I became motivated to organize the bloody hell out of my house.  I keep the house pretty NEAT, but often what that means is just HIDING the clutter.  Shoving it in a drawer or a cabinet or a closet so it’s out of sight.  But the problem is that I STILL KNOW IT’S THERE.  And being the anal retentive type that I am, this bothers me.  I think my awareness of the clutter, even when it’s not in plain sight, impedes my creativity and motivation sometimes.

I know it isn’t realistic to expect your home to be in perfect condition 100% of the time (especially for those of you with children and full time jobs!), but we’re doing ourselves such a service when we take a little time to better the world we live in every day—our home. 

Think about the things you use daily.  Closets.  Bathroom vanity drawers.  Kitchen drawers.  The fridge! The pantry! These aren’t always things you think to clean, but I find that when I do, it’s an instant mood booster, and almost as if some sort of blockage in my brain is lifted. 

Maybe not everyone is like me, but sometimes I just need CHANGE.  Everyday life can get so mundane, and silly as it may sound, making small changes like cleaning out a damn drawer makes me feel a little more in charge.

Here are some of the fruits of my labor so far today!  I wish I had before pictures… just imagine a huge disorganized mess in each drawer before I tidied up a bit!

kitchen drawers 008Lined the drawers with dinner napkins I don’t use so things won’t slide around so much… (towels work too)

kitchen drawers 010Put smaller items in plastic storage containers…

kitchen drawers 022Put all my lids of around the same size in storage bags…

kitchen drawers 028 Look!  The drawer actually closes now!

I still have a ton more to do in other parts of the house, but I know it’s gonna feel GOOD when everything is done.  Wish me luck!


Ditulis Oleh : admin // 2:19 PM


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