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Monday, October 31, 2011

The Night Circus - Book Review

Title ~ The Night Circus
Series ~ Single Title
Author ~ Erin Morgenstern
Release Date ~ September 13, 2011
Age Group ~ Young Adult
Publisher ~ Doubleday
Source ~ A Good Addiction


"Opens at Nightfall; Closes at Dawn." The Le Cirque des RĂªves is a circus unlike any other, just as this magical debut novel is equally unique. At the center of The Night Circus spectacle are two specially gifted young magicians, Celia and Marco, pitted against each other in professional competition, drawn towards one another in love. Erin Morgenstern's literary fantasy has already drawn raves for its captivating evocativeness: "A world of almost unbearable beauty.... A love story on a grand scale: it creates, it destroys, it ultimately transcends." "A novel so magical that there is no escaping its spell... If you choose to read just one novel this year, this is it."


Different is good. Or in the case of The Night Circus, different is AMAZING! The Night Circus is easily one of my favorite books of the year.   You know why?  Because it is SO DIFFERENT.  There is absolutely nothing ordinary about it. Everything, read that, everything is special about this book.

The circus comes to life at night and it is overflowing with contradictions. The circus is breathtakingly beautiful, but yet it has ugly secrets beneath the surface. The circus is entertaining, but these performers are doing much more than simply entertaining the crowd. The circus is literally black and white, but the real story is as colorful as an extra-large box of crayons.  I loved that nothing was really what it seemed to be and the circus held so many secrets. 

This circus has magical performers. They perform telekinesis, illusions, and complex spells with names I cannot pronounce. Celia and Marco, the stars of the circus, are made to fight each other with magic. It’s yet another fabulous contradiction, because these two are in love. I could actually FEEL the tension all wrapped up in their strong desire for each other. Celia and Marco’s relationship spans several decades, but they age extremely slowly. Theirs is a story of true and deep love.  No insta-love.  No love triangle.  No jerky guys.  No clueless girls.  It's that REAL LOVE that everyone searches for.

The other circus performers are vividly described with unique talents and their own long histories. My favorites were the twins who were born on the very night the circus opened. Watching them grow up as the story went along was a treat. The Man in the Gray Suit, that was his name, was one of the trainers that I loathed. He was just dripping with evilness.  I even think the gray color of his suit had something to do with how he just didn't fit into the black and white circus.  

Erin Morgenstern has written a magnificent story where she ties the lives of her characters together into one fantastic bundle. There is suspenseful pacing and compelling action kept me turning pages in a reading FRENZY. As a stand-alone, The Night Circus has a fitting ending. I am impatiently waiting for Erin Morgenstern’s next masterpiece.


5 Loved


Thank you for playing up the black and white circus theme! I’m not sure where the hint of red comes in, but it does make the cover easier to look at. I love that starry night too!

Ditulis Oleh : admin // 4:30 AM


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