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Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Buggy Ride, Mangue Seco, Bahia and Sergipe, Brazil

As I've told you in my last post, when in Mangue Seco do rent a buggy and go for a ride with one of the local tour guides, they're very friendly and excellent drivers. Believe me, you're gonna have a wonderful time.
Buggy Ride, Mangue Seco, Bahia and Sergipe, BrazilYou start by leaving the village in some sort of a convoy formation heading to the dunes in the center of the peninsula. Then the caravan stops and then them round everybody...
Buggy Ride Everybody, Mangue Seco, Bahia and Sergipe, BrazilOn the top of the dune the time is to get a grip, control the nervous and get courageous...
Buggy Ride Dune, Mangue Seco, Bahia and Sergipe, Brazil Down hill... Off we go - weeee!! Absolutely amazing!! Let's do it again!!
Buggy Ride Beach, Mangue Seco, Bahia and Sergipe, Brazil Finnaly, after a good half hour ride, it's time to head towards the other side of the dunes and relax for a while in a fabulous and almost desert beach (more photos in the next post).

Ditulis Oleh : admin // 4:10 PM


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