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Thursday, November 13, 2008

Reasons To Invest In A Beach Cottage Vacation Home

With the stock market in a total down turn people are looking for safe places to put their money. Because the down turn was caused by problems in the mortgage industry many investors are scared to put money in property. If you look carefully though most of the properties that have lost the most value were risky bets to begin with. A beach cottage vacation home has traditionally been a very solid investment and that is even more so true today.

Top 4 Reasons To Invest In A Beach Cottage Vacation Home

Reason number one is that right now prices are at an all time low. You can get many beach cottage vacation homes now when they would never be available in the past. People have become scared and are looking to unload their properties to move into other markets. You can take advantage of this to get property at an all time low and in addition to that get property that would not be available.

The other reason to get a beach cottage vacation home right now is that loan rates are very affordable. If you have solid quality credit you can get a loan at an outstanding rate locked in long term. This means that you will be paying less out of pocket for your investment property. Low prices plus low rates means that you can get a vacation home for less then ever before.

The next reason you want to get a beach cottage vacation home now is that property prices will adjust inflation. The inflation rate in the US is currently spinning out of control and you can rest assured knowing the value of your home is unaffected by this. Property is a good opponent of investment and in these trying times it is important to have some investments that will work against it.

The last reason is that unlike stocks a property can never go completely bankrupt. If you choose the right beach cottage vacation home to invest in you can rest assured that the overall value of the property will not go down. Short term it may have some peaks and valleys, but long term it is almost inconceivable to think that the property will not pay off. In fact, it is much more likely that the property will gain significant value. Take heed of these reasons and invest your money wisely to protect you and your families’ future.

Ditulis Oleh : admin // 9:36 PM


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