I am what would be considered a “talker.” I can strike up a conversation with pretty much anyone – new kids at school, people in the check-out line at the store, adults, anyone who looks friendly, even babies who are looking at me. I am fortunate because I don’t get nervous about talking to new people. I guess I look at it this way - what have I got to lose?
I am also what would be considered a “commenter.” I don’t comment on every blog post I read, but I do comment on quite a few of them. Some of my comments are long and some are short, but there sure are a lot of them. I guess I have a lot to say.
I also comment back to some of the comments on my own blog. I don’t even know what that’s called, but I do it. It’s like I am holding conversations with my commenters. I’m friendly like that.
So, are you a serial commenter like I am? Maybe you only leave comments when you feel very strongly about the subject? Perhaps you are a “reader” who doesn’t really have too much to say and you would rather just lurk? Oops, I realize you will have to come out of lurkdom to answer that….sorry. Don’t worry though; I love both commenters and readers. If we were all the same, life would get pretty boring.
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