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Thursday, September 16, 2010

People Do What They Want To Do

Those of you who know me well may already be aware that I am not exactly the most motivated individual who ever lived.  Well, I should rephrase that.  I AM motivated, but not necessarily to do the things I SHOULD be doing at any given moment.  I like the saying "people do what they want to do" - and isn't that the truth?  If you're not doing something you know you should, it's probably because you just don't want to do it (enough).  For example, just about every day I think, tomorrow I need to start a new routine... I need to get up earlier, go to the gym first thing, do all my chores and THEN get on the Internet or go shopping or whatever it is I really WANT to do.  And sure it's easy to think that, but when it comes down to choosing between doing what you really want to do and doing what you really should do, which is the easier choice to make?  When that alarm goes off at 6:30 AM, is it easier to hit snooze and go back to sleep because you feel so very tired, or force yourself out of bed so that you can go exercise?  Obviously! It's much easier to hit snooze!!  Especially if you're like me and working out is pretty much your least favorite thing to do of all time. Or for another example, is it easier to sit and read blogs all morning, which you truly enjoy, or go vacuum the entire house before the dog hair reaches an inch deep?  Clearly! It's much easier and more enjoyable to read blogs all morning!  

These examples may or may not apply to you, but EVERYONE has habits they wish they could change or things they know they need to do differently. And I wish I had a really awesome anecdote on how I learned to beat the lack of determination, but unfortunately I really don't.  I am totally still working through all this myself.   BUT, just so you won't feel that you received nothing from this post except feeling shittier about your life, I would like to share some things I HAVE learned so far.  In fact, I might break this up into two or three entries.  I have THAT MUCH good stuff to say.

Anyway, I think the number one thing I've learned so far is to do it for yourself.  And what I mean by that is don't wait until your in-laws are coming over before you clean the house, or don't wait until you're selling your home to clean out all the closets and drawers and to do all those little things that you don't seem to feel are worthy of doing just for yourself.  This is a big one for me. Matthew and I had our house on the market last month (long story that I might tell one day, but now is not that day) and during that time I kept the house so completely spotless.  I cleaned and organized the pantry, tidied all my drawers, cabinets, and closets, kept the floors clean, added finishing touches to the decor, and Matthew and I also put down all fresh mulch in the landscaped portions of our yard.  Everything looked SO amazing.  I felt like my home was an absolute sanctuary/spa.  I would walk into our pantry or open closet doors just to admire how utterly neat everything was.  It literally gave me great joy to be surrounded by so much orderliness. 

So WHY do we so often have to wait until a fire's lit under our butt before we do the things we know we should?  The things we know we would really get enjoyment from completing?  I don't have a good answer for that, and I suppose the answer would vary a little from person to person, anyway.  But really, I highly recommend that you don't wait another minute to get started bettering your life, whatever that means for you. Do it especially for yourself. 

That's all for now, folks...  Make it a great day!


Ditulis Oleh : admin // 1:23 PM


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