Let's light this candle.
Reviews – My reviews are getting a makeover. They will still be tween-ish, but they will have a new look and I may revamp the rating system. I've got the quantity down, but I want to work on the QUALITY.
Features – Bookends is going away. The Third Degree is staying – at least for now. For the first time EVER, other bloggers will be featured on Reading Vacation. I am really excited about this and I can't wait to get rolling.
Social – Remember this post? I have fallen off the wagon and need to get back on. Operation Comment Love!
Technical – Since you are never too young to learn something new, I think I’m ready to learn some html. Maybe I can finally crack the code of getting Blogger to behave the way I want. I also want to become an expert on using my Kindle. I want to be a Kindle master! You know, sort of like a Jedi Master in Star Wars.
Can I do it? YES I can.
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