By: Kari Lee Townsend
Sweet! Or should I say SHOCKING? Samantha Granger, who becomes fused to her cell phone in a freak accident, is here to visit. Can you imagine being FUSED to your cell phone!?! Well, Samantha told me all about her crazy new life as a walking and talking teen cell phone.
After you were fused with your cell phone, you gained some incredible abilities. I think your ability to access the internet with your mind is the coolest. Which is your favorite and is there another ability you wish you had?
Hi, Melina. I was so psyched when you said you wanted to interview me. This is going to be fun! I’m not gonna lie, when the “incident” first happened, I totally freaked out. But now I’m sort of getting used to it. And I have to admit, being connected 24/7 is pretty cool. Downloading songs and updating my playlist and never having my iPod die rocks, but my favorite ability would have to be my cell hand. I am obsessed with texting, and any new technology that comes along gets upgraded automatically. Life doesn’t get any better than that.
I don’t have a cell phone yet. Do you think teens are too dependent on their cell phones?
Probably, but hey, I’d never admit that in front of my friends. I leave that up to parents. My mom is always complaining that teens today don’t know how to talk because we text everything. Personally, I think she’s overreacting. Trust me, people, my mom is the queen of overreacting. I talk to my friends all the time. I just prefer to text because, well, it’s fun. What teen doesn’t want to have fun? Sometime I think parents just forgot how.
Some superheroes have sidekicks, like Batman and Robin. Your sidekick is Melody. Could you come up with a superhero sidekick name for her?
Mel is the absolute best sidekick ever! She’s my best friend and always has my back. Whenever I need someone to talk to, she’s always there. Sometimes I think she’s more of a hero than I am. I mean, talk about tough. She never lets anyone walk all over her ... or me! So picking a name for her would be really hard. You should have seen how long it took to decide on the name Digital Diva for myself. But hey, if you can think of a cool one, let me know. I’ll be sure to tell her J
If you could design your very own Digital Diva superhero outfit, what would it look like?
Actually, I already did. You know how I said it took forever to come up with a superhero name? Well, it was just as hard to come up with a superhero costume for Digital Diva. Blue Lake is such a small town, everyone would guess who I was if I wore something of Mel’s or my own. So we had to go to the Salvation Army and look for something “different.” Not an easy task! But we did manage to find something super cute. I just love pink and purple. The mask is perfect and the boots are adorable.
Boys! Maybe Trevor needs to be fused to his own gadget and then he’ll understand why the sparks are flying. What gadget do you think he should be fused with?
I know, right? Boys have NO clue! Trevor is so cute, it drives me crazy that I can’t date him. I love my gadgets, but Trevor is more into sports than anything else. Except for maybe his hacky sac. He loves old eighties paraphernalia. But hey, if he were fused with his football and it caused him to go run a touchdown every time I tried to kiss him, then maybe he’d understand what it’s like to be me.
Do you have any advice for other teens who might have a secret identity?
It’s not easy hiding who you really are inside. Sometimes I want to shout it from the rooftops so everyone will know. I guess I would say to have courage. Don’t be afraid to be yourself. Be strong and be proud and stand up for what you believe in. If people don’t accept you for who you are, then they might not be your real friends in the first place. Whoops, there goes my GPS. I’ve gotta run. A superheroes life is so busy. See ya!
Thank you to The Teen Book Scene for arranging this fun interview. FUSED released on November 1, 2010 and is published by Sourcebooks, Jabberwocky.
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