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Friday, January 14, 2011

How to Plan your Trip to Bali, Indonesia

And once again with Marcela today with a set of tips for a travel to Bali, an island paradise in Indonesia. Hope their helpful :)

Bali is one of the world’s most famous tourist destinations with good reason. It’s one of the most efficient, and best organized on Earth. Bali has done what many tourist zones rarely do: diversified to provide a great range of options for travelers. It’s also taken advantage of its incredible local culture and natural beauty, and hasn’t killed itself with mindless development. Bali hotels are brilliant, well sited, and the services are excellent.

Padangbai Beach, Bali, Indonesia

Customizing your holiday

Experienced Bali travelers all have one thing in common- They want to see more of the place, and they tailor their holidays to do the things they want to do. Bali gets a huge number of return visitors, and the returnees always want to do and see more things. It really is impossible to explore a place like Bali in one trip.

The best way to deal with the seemingly endless number of possibilities is to
plan your trip to make sure you get plenty of time and space to do the things you want. Never make the classic tourist mistake of getting lumbered with a schedule which leaves you doing more running around than actual tourism. Target the things you want, and make sure you have a lot of free time to do them properly. Allow days, not a couple of hours, for a leisurely trip, not a sort of marathon.

Bali regions

Bali is a place with a whole range of different areas. The north and the south are quite different. The inland is a different world again. If you check out a map of Bali, you’ll instantly see that the main tourist strip is pretty much confined to the south. Many people don’t even know there is a north of Bali, and they’re missing a lot as a result.

If you ask people what they like about Bali, you could be there for a week listening to the answers. If you ask them where they like on Bali, you’ll soon see that people tend to stick to particular areas. This is pretty normal for any tourist destination, and it’s really a sign of lack of information about these place. Bali is a lot more than just Kuta and surrounds, and you won’t regret doing some exploration of your own.

Local boat, Bali, Indonesia

Planning your customized paradise

Fortunately for tourists, Bali’s information services are a lot more efficient than the travel brochures, which tend to be more visual than informative. Anything you need to know about anything or any place on Bali is actually easy to find online or by checking with the local services.

The planning process is simple:

1. Decide what you really want to do and see.

2. Do what the old explorers did: Ask the locals for information, when and where you need it.

3. Make your bookings with people who understand what you want to do.

4. Make absolutely certain you have free time to explore or just laze around. (You are supposed to be on holiday, remember?)

Important note: Bali accommodation also provides a great built- in information service in the form of people who live on Bali and know the place very well. Take advantage of the opportunity to get good information about places, events, and costs.

Thanks again Marcela! From Indonesia, we'll try to fly to Hawaii and in the next few days :)

Ditulis Oleh : admin // 1:36 AM


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