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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Queen's Dollmaker

Title ~  The Queen’s Dollmaker
Series ~ Single Title
Author ~ Christine Trent
Release Date ~ January 1, 2010
Age Group ~ Young Adult
Publisher ~ Kensington
Source ~ Kindle Sharing

      Goodreads Summary

On the brink of revolution, with a tide of hate turned against the decadent royal court, France is in turmoil - as is the life of one young woman forced to leave her beloved Paris. After a fire destroys her home and family, Claudette Laurent is struggling to survive in London. But one precious gift remains: her talent for creating exquisite dolls that Marie Antoinette, the Queen of France herself, cherishes. When the Queen requests a meeting, Claudette seizes the opportunity to promote her business, and to return home...Amid the violence and unrest, Claudette befriends the Queen, who bears no resemblance to the figurehead rapidly becoming the scapegoat of the Revolution. But when Claudette herself is lured into a web of deadly political intrigue, it becomes clear that friendship with France's most despised woman has grim consequences. Now, overshadowed by the spectre of Madame Guillotine, the Queen's dollmaker will face the ultimate test.


The Queen’s Dollmaker tells two tragic stories set in the late 1700’s in Paris and London.

First, there is the story of Claudette, the orphaned French dollmaker.  Claudette has many struggles in her young life – surviving a fire that kills her parents, becoming a servant, leaving her native country, being separated from her fiance’ and more.  Claudette reminded me a women’s movement leader because she wasn’t afraid to speak her mind, she stood up to men, and she had a career.  She would not have been content to just stay home and have children.  Some of her ways got her into trouble, but I loved that she wasn’t afraid to take chances.  Go Claudette!

Second, there is the story of Marie Antionette, the Queen of France, who is failing to keep peace as her country revolts.  We all know from history class that the revolution does not turn out well for the queen.  I felt sorry for Marie.  She seemed to be doing her best to keep the peace, but things were so out-of-hand that she couldn’t.  I liked that some chapters were from her point-of-view rather than Claudette’s because I really got a feel for what was going on in France.

The men in The Queen’s Dollmaker were as different as night and day.  Jean-Philippe, Claudette’s childhood friend and fiance’ was ultimately not the man she thought he was.  There was so much going on with Jean-Philippe that Claudette never expected.  Lots of surprises.  William, Claudette’s new-found English friend, was a complete gentleman.  I could see why Claudette was drawn to him and confused about her feelings.  These relationships were rich and well written.

The dollmaking!  I loved learning all about French dollmaking.  Some of the dolls were life-sized and they looked real.  I would just love to have one.

Christine Trent’s spin-off book, A Royal Likeness, released last week.  You can be sure I’ll be reading it soon.


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Cover Comments

The blue is so beautiful and screams royalty.  I like that her face is cut off as this adds mystery.  I wish she were holding one of the dolls rather than a fan.  Can’t you tell that I REALLY want to see one of these dolls?!

Ditulis Oleh : admin // 4:45 AM


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