Every so often it happens. I start reading a book and I’m really enjoying it. The plot grabs my attention, I am starting to get attached to the characters, and then BAM, it turns inappropriate on me. Bah!
Here’s how it works. I will read the summary for a book on goodreads, the author’s site, or the publisher’s site. If it looks good, I will read some reviews from bloggers I trust not to be spoilery. Then, I have one of my parents do the same to see if they approve. Sometimes I discover a book at the library that I haven’t heard of before and I’ll ask my parents to look it over to approve it on the spot. Sometimes we end up putting a book back on the shelf and that's okay with me.
As long as I have my parents blessing, then I get the book and start reading. I realize what may be okay for me and my parents may not be okay for someone else my age and their parents. Oh, and visa-versa.
Sometimes I get burned though and the book still ends up being inappropriate after I start it. It may be a cuss-fest or romantic scenes that are too mature. Some of either is okay, but not if it’s over the top. We realize YA is going to have some of that and my parents are okay as long as it's within reason. There was one book that was just plain too scary for me.
I was very disappointed when it happened last week. I started a book, got nearly half-way through, and suddenly it was like I was reading a different book. Usually it happens sooner, so it’s not as big of a deal. This time, I was REALLY liking the story and was so far in before things changed. I put it down and chose another book. I felt like that one had a little false advertising since it changed so drastically half-way through.
That was a review book. Now I have to tell the publisher why I didn’t finish the book and why I am not reviewing it. I feel like I am letting them down, but I also know that I did the right thing by not finishing. It’s an e-book, but if it were a paper book I would just pass it on to someone else who’s a little older.
Sometimes I want something more grown up than middle grade, but not as grown up as some of the more mature young adult books. I would call it older middle grade or younger young adult. OMG (not Oh My Gosh) or YYA for those who like acronyms. Maybe I’m on to something.
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