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Friday, March 4, 2011

What Do Tigers, Chocolate Lava Cake, and Jesus Christ Have in Common?

No vlog today. 

I know this is devastating for you, but PLEASE.  Hold it together.  I’m still going to answer some of your questions from this post way back when, just not in vlog form – I record the vlogs on Thursday, and I didn’t get around to it yesterday.  But we should be back at it next Friday! ;) 

K?  Here are the questions for today:

Q: Holly asked: If you could have any animal in the world as a pet, what would you chose to have? 

A:  I would want a tiger.  Ever since watching Aladdin as a child, I have wanted my very own tiger, like Jasmine had.  That would be SO badass. 

The stare of the tigerphoto © 2010 Tambako The Jaguar | more info (via: Wylio)

I just want to give it a big, squishy hug. Preferably with no danger of getting my face ripped off.

Q: Several people asked: What is your favorite food of all time?

A: This is impossible to answer, because I love SO MANY foods.  I’m not one of those people who can eat the same thing all the time; I need tons of variety because I get sick of things very easily.  But one thing that comes to mind is the Chocolate Lava Cake dessert at Fleming’s… it’s this round cake thing that comes to you fresh and hot from the oven, and when you sink your fork into it, a steaming hot lava-like RIVER of chocolate sauce comes POURING forth from the middle.  And it’s served with vanilla ice cream and homemade chantilly creme. 

Oh my GAWW.  I think I just drooled on myself. 

[Valhrona] Chocolate Lava Cake @ Rue 57 NYCphoto © 2005 OBiTRAN | more info (via: Wylio)

(this isn’t the exact one I’ve had, but it’s close!)


Q: Summer asked: If you could meet one influential person, past or present, who would it be and why?

A: I would want to meet Charlie Sheen.


Hmmm.  That’s a tough one. I have literally been staring blankly at my screen for about 5 minutes now. It’s been a while since I obsessed over an “influential person” (think Nick Carter of the Backstreet Boys, circa 1999).  But I’m going to go with the safe answer: I would like to meet Jesus Christ.  Because I have some questions for him.  Plus, he’d probably just be cool to hang out with. 

Ok,that’s all for now.  Happy weekend, pretty friends! 


PS – And in case you didn’t figure it out, tigers, chocolate lava cake, and Jesus Christ don’t really have anything in common besides all being awesome and the answers to my questions. ;) 

Ditulis Oleh : admin // 7:27 AM


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