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Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Friends, I have bittersweet news for you.

Bitter because it involves me being gone for a while.

Sweet because it involves some truly wonderful guest bloggers, and the fact that I’m going to South America.  On Saturday. 

Yep, you read that correctly.  South flippin’ America.  This blog is about to get a little bit more interesting, and I couldn’t keep it from you any longer.

So I just wanted to let you know that you should prepare yourselves emotionally for my absence in the blog world.  I’m going to say you should prepare yourself for my absence just in case, even though I know for a fact that I’m bringing my laptop and iPhone, and my severe Internet addiction will simply not allow me to stay away from Blog Land for an extended period of time (read: for more than 48 hours).

But yes, ‘tis true.  We leave Saturday for Chile, and we’ll also be visiting Argentina and Peru.  Please believe me when I say I’m not trying to brag—this could quite possibly be our last cool vacation for quite a while.  But I just wanted to mention sometime BEFORE Saturday so that I don’t just spring it on you Sunday and say “here I am in South America, since that is a perfectly normal place for people to be, etc, etc…”


Sidenote: I’m a little excited.  This is the first time I’ve gone anywhere cool armed with my beloved camera and some newfound skillz.  The pictures should be fabulous (by amateur standards).

And my step-bro is staying with the babies, so I can sleep easy at night (and actually enjoy myself during the day).

And since pictures of Gracie and Cooper are my default whenever I don’t have anything else for a visual aid, here you go:

Easter 2011 032


Things I still need to do before Saturday:

  • Get a haircut because my split ends are seriously grody
  • Dye my hair because I have so many whities (sounds better than grays) that it is becoming seriously depressing
  • Clean our entire house so that my step brother doesn’t know of the filth we regularly live in
  • Pack
  • Freak out
  • Get a stress rash

And that’s about it.  Yay!

I’ll write more before Saturday, but consider this a head’s up.  Fun shiz to come.


Ditulis Oleh : admin // 4:30 AM


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