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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

7 Stories Day 7: Bridget from Tales of Me and the Husband

Today I give you the last but certainly not least of 7 stories, the author of which is my dear friend Bridget over at Tales of Me and the Husband.
Bridget’s blog was among the first I found when I got serious about blogging, and she has been inspiring and entertaining me ever since!  Now she’s preggo with a precious little one (picture at the bottom of her post), and she is, seriously, one adorable mama.
I promise you’ll enjoy her story today.  So I’ll shut up now.
* * * * *
hey ya'll. 
i'm posting on jenni's blog and she's from austin so ya'll fits. 
anyway, corny intro, moving on. 
i'm bridget from tales of me and the husband.
if we've not yet "met" then nice to "meet you."
while jenni is off exploring south america (suck it jenni & matthew)
i'm here in mostly cloudy boston guest bloggin' for her.
it's what friends do.
and while jenni and i have not yet become real-life friends, it'll happen. -----------
so, i've got a story for you. 
and if you follow me on twitter you've already heard a 140-character version of it.
but sometimes bloggers need to recycle their stories. 
especially the funny stories.
cause when, some days, i don't even get out of my pajamas,
the good material i do get is precious.
the other day i was sitting at my computer doing my thang (reading blogs, reading email, reading blogs, reading email, reading blogs, reading email... you get the jist) and there was a knock at the door.  i head to answer it.  it's the trugreen chemlawn man.  i do the normal hello-how-can-i-help-you greeting. 
"is your father home?"
my father?!??  seriously?  can a 26-year old (26 and a HALF actually! annnd i just became a 4 year old.) not be a homeowner?  do i not look 26?  WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO?
i quickly corrected him with, "my husband" (knowing my husband had called trugreen to have them come out the day before).  he hardly looked phased so i can only assume he was high on something.  perhaps fertilizer being that he was, after all, the trugreen man.
it's particularly confusing that he wouldn't think me the homeowner slash ask for my father since this is what i'm looking like these days.  yeah, all sorts of knocked up with child.  
so then i wonder, was he under the assumption that i was the pregnant teen living in her parent's basement?  eating their cheetos, mooching off their cars, cable tv, and internet all the while chipping away ever-so-slowly at her college degree?  is that what we assume these days?  again, i ask, WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO?
ok, probably looking too much into this.  but, nevertheless, "is your father home?!"
we're firing trugreen.
                                                                                  * * * * *
                                        Now go do yourself a favor and check out Bridget’s blog.
                                                                   Happy Wednesday!!

Ditulis Oleh : admin // 4:30 AM


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