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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Internet scares me sometimes

I think it’s time for another episode of “Crazy Google Search Terms That Led People to My Blog…” don’t you?

Because, dear readers, apparently the creepers are out in full force.  And it’s good for a laugh.  So here goes.

CRAAAAAZY Google Search Terms That Led People To My Blog

(with commentary by yours truly)


1),  2), and 3) “It’s not even noon and I want to kill myself” and “I want to kill people for fun” and “getting angry really easily that you just want to kill” (What is up with all of the killing?? Creepers.)

4) “Elephant storage container” (That would be a very large container. Try, maybe?)

5) “How have lava cakes affected my life?” (Umm, wow.  Good question?)

6) “Embarassing boob incident” (I assume this person was probably led to my first vlog in which an embarrassing boob incident WAS mentioned… but the real question is, why are you Googling that, weirdo?!)

7) “Can I put a fake tan on my skin graft?” (I’m really not sure what to say here.)

8) Dirty mother in law pics (Ok, I just threw up in my mouth a little. Whoever searched this one DEFINITELY didn’t find what they were looking for!)

“Young, married, lifestyle blogs, fake” (I resent this search term.)

10) “Women lose value with age” (How RUDE!)

11) “Chocolate cake from Jesus.” (If you find some, let me know! It’d probably have less fat and calories and stuff.)

12) “u n ur mom both really look cute” (thanx but U R creepy, get off the Internet!”)

Lol, tty l8r, bye!


PS – all search terms found with Google Analytics

PPS – Check out part 1 and part 2!

Ditulis Oleh : admin // 2:41 PM


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