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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Introducing - Fran - Book Chow Down - Young Bloggers Unite


Introducing Fran from Book Chow Down. Fran is 16 and she has been blogging since July, 2011. She may be fairly new to book blogging, but girlfriend can write some great reviews. No joke! I think I may have to ask her for some review writing tips. Welcome to the book blogging community Fran!

Fran is guest posting about BLOGGING IN THE UK today on Young Bloggers Unite. Check it out to support Fran and the other young bloggers. You can also find Fran on Twitter as @bookchowdown and on Book Chow Down.

Lightning Fast Interview

I see you have been blogging since July, 2011. You are still a baby in our community. How are you finding your place among all the other blogs out there?

Haha yes definitely a baby in the blogosphere! It can be a bit intimidating to see all these amazing book blogs and the even more amazing book bloggers, but for me it’s something I aspire to be like! Everyone contributes so much to the community and it’s wonderful to be apart of it. One thing I’ve noticed is that everyone is so friendly, especially on Twitter! Without Twitter I would not survive. Whoever said social networking sites are not educational, are wrong, seriously! You learn bucketloads on Twitter, LOL. BUT the coolest thing about Twitter is that you can actually talk to authors. Like real, living, breathing authors. Oh wait sorry, sidetracked a bit by the wonders of Twitter. I think what I’m trying to say here is that I love everything about the book blogging community, especially the people behind them.

Living in the UK, what sorts of differences do you deal with when compared to the US based bloggers?

To those of you in the US, you have it lucky. I love living in England, don’t get me wrong, but living in the US as a book blogger makes life so much easier! First off live chats, say they’re held at 7 EST time, a perfectly respectable time for you guys but for me...2 am. During summer this was fine but now school’s started it’s a bit harder. In summer I went to bed at like 3 am and woke up at don’t wanna know. 2 am was for the weak willed during summer, but now...not so much.

I think the most obvious thing though that international bloggers will agree on is postage. I’ve just closed a giveaway and am dreading the p and p.

Haha but no complaints really, being a book blogger is awesome wherever you may be in the world.

Interesting Fact: I was actually born in the US (San Francisco) so am technically American, but I am also British. Yeah, I bet you’re confused now.. dual citizenship is what I have, pretty awesome eh?

Oh, you read comics too! Tell me about that.

Yeah I love comics too! I collect Archie Comics. They are for all intents and purposes American comics therefore they’re a bit of a commodity over here, which leads me to use eBay if you hadn’t already guessed. There’s nothing like cracking open a comic book from the ‘70s. I also love reading French comics. I’ve been studying French since the age of 10 and the French language is sort of a passion of mine. Reading French comics improves my French whilst providing a great source of entertainment. OMG I sound like such a geek. Anyways...yeah comics books are really good and there’s loads of different genres, it’s not just for comic book nerds:p

Thanks Fran!

Ditulis Oleh : admin // 5:00 AM


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