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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Future of Us - Book Review

Title ~ The Future of Us
Series ~ Single Title
Author ~ Jay Asher and Carolyn Mackler
Release Date ~ November 21, 2011
Age Group ~ Young Adult
Publisher ~ Razorbill
Source ~ A Good Addiction


It's 1996, and less than half of all American high school students have ever used the Internet.

Emma just got her first computer and an America Online CD-ROM.

Josh is her best friend. They power up and log on--and discover themselves on Facebook, fifteen years in the future.

Everybody wonders what their Destiny will be. Josh and Emma are about to find out.


Ever wonder where you will be in fifteen years? Who your friends will be? Did you fall in love? What did you do with your life? For most of us, the answers are elusive. But for Emma and Josh, finding the answers is as easy as looking at their future Facebook profiles.  Can you even imagine how weird that would be?  You may see yourself in an unhappy marriage, with a bunch of kids, with a boring job, and no real zest for life.  Or maybe you see yourself as the most successful and happiest person ever.   

Emma and Josh are best friends, even if they do not act like it. They get along and fight like they are sister and brother. Sometimes though, there’s a glimmer of something more between them. It’s cute. It’s understated. It’s realistic. This is how relationships work in the real world.  Take away all the super cool Facebook stuff from The Future of Us, and you are left with a passionate and real love story.

Parts of The Future of Us were CoNfUsInG for me to read. While the characters didn’t exactly time travel, they may as well have and sometimes I had a hard time telling what time they were in. Was it present 1996? Was it 15 years later? Was it 15 years later, but changed? Were they split between two times? What day is it?  What year is it?  WHEN? The confusion was necessary though and I didn’t mind being a little lost. It drove home the idea that Emma and Josh were confused too.

Emma becomes obsessed with Facebook and her future and what may or may not happen.  Josh stays relatively came about it all.  He ponders things, but he doesn't go overboard with worry like Emma does.  It's what I would expect from a girl (we tend to be more emotional) and a guy (they tend to be more casual).  

Okay, so the whole Facebook concept is hilarious. Emma and Josh have no clue about social networks or phrases like OMG. It’s funny! They are in amazement that anyone could actually have 200 Friends. Light and fluffy fun that makes the story even more enjoyable to read. Since I was born in 1999, I didn’t get all the 90’s references, but they are there for anyone who grew up in the 90’s.

I started thinking about whether or not I would want to know my future. Would I want to know what happens? How will my choices now affect my future? Would I really WANT to know my future? What if it were bad?  There’s some deep thoughts wrapped up in this fun and highly unique book.

Ditulis Oleh : admin // 3:00 AM


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