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Monday, November 7, 2011

My dirty little secret…

I heavily debated showing you all what I’m about to reveal because a) I have pride and b) it will forever tarnish your perception of me.  However, as my mom and I were going through old pictures this weekend and stumbled upon this one, I was so completely mortified and simultaneously delighted that I knew I had no other choice but to share it with the Internet.  At the very least, to bring a little humor to what may be an otherwise depressing Monday morning, and at the very most, to show all the exceedingly awkward and borderline fugly preteens out there that there is, indeed, hope for a normal life.

So without further ado, I give you… me.  Then and now.


I’m nearly speechless too.  The first thing that comes to mind is “WHAT. THE. EFF.”  Except, actually, the real word.  The second thing that comes to mind is “how could my mother allow me to look like that?  It’s bordering on child abuse.” And the third thing that comes to mind is “HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA!!” 

I honestly can’t even believe I’m allowing you guys to see this right now.  It’s been my dirty little secret for so long.  You should have seen Matthew’s face when I showed him this!  But yes.  I went through a shockingly awkward and fugly stage.  It’s not something I look back on with much fondness.   But at least now it’s good for a laugh. ;)



Ditulis Oleh : admin // 6:40 AM


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