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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Year in Review

When one year comes to a close and a new one stretches out before you, it’s nice to reflect on what is past and peer hopefully into the still-unknown future… wouldn’t you agree?

I just spent some time looking through old pictures and blog posts from the whole of 2011, and it was crazy to think of how much has changed in only one year.  Big things.   Family… finances… law school… this little blog… ME.  And as crazy and scary as life can be sometimes, I am simply beside myself with excitement for the year to come, because it feels like a fresh chance.  I know that’s mainly a mental thing, but who cares? 

I just went back and read my post from the end of LAST December, and I was amazed by how different 2010 and 2011 were for us.  In 2010, Matthew and I had just gotten married and moved into our new home together and were exploring our new city and went to New York and Hawaii, and I started this blog!  And this year… oh, 2011.  Life! Stress! Marriage not perfect—hard! Cancer. Loved ones suffering.  Identity crisis on my part. Questions. What the hell do I want to do with my life? Why haven’t I figured it out yet?  Crazy health scare.  Pieces falling into place.  Beginning to see things clearly…Not all of that was expressed here on my blog, but I certainly still remember it.

2012…  Such high hopes I have for you!  Not because I’m being unrealistic and I think that THIS year will be the one where I actually keep all my resolutions.  Please.  But because I’m starting to understand myself a little better, and I’m discovering passions I didn’t even know I had, and I’m feeling ready to make shit happen.

So basically, that’s my resolution this year.  My mantra, if you will.  Make shit happen.  A little less wishing and hoping and thinking and a little more acting and doing and creating. 

We’re all on our own journey here, and yours will likely look different than mine.  But I hope you’re going into 2012 with a similar mindset: it’s gonna be great, because we’re gonna make it great.  Why can’t 2012 be the year that all your dreams come true? 

And now for a little trip down memory lane… these are some special and/or silly moments I posted about in 2011, so let’s go back in time for a bit, shall we?

* * * * *

+ One year anniversary celebration in Fredericksburg…

One Year Anniv Fredericksburg 019 copy


+ South America trip of a lifetime!

Peru Day 3 058


+ First ever vlog.

+ “Possibly Voyeuristic Old Neighbor and Why Quasi-Pornographic Photos of Me May or May Not End Up Somewhere on the Internet.”

+ A truly epic “then and now” pic.

+ Took pictures for my mom and Edd… beautiful memory.


+ Law school. ‘Nuff said.


+ Edd’s cancer.

+ My own health scare.

+ Lessons learned in my first 25 years.

* * * * *

And those are just a few of the highlights. :) Looking forward with great hope and anticipation for the clean slate ahead.  Life won’t be perfect, but It will be beautiful.


Ditulis Oleh : admin // 7:36 AM


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