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Monday, January 30, 2012

Something Was And Still Is Missing - My Last Blog Post


Something was missing. I didn’t even realize it was missing until I took a semi-break from blogging Thanksgiving week. That was the week I reconnected with my family, my friends, and myself. I loved that week and I promised myself that I would cut back on reading and blogging commitments so I could enjoy more weeks like that.

I kept that promise and I seriously cut back on my commitments. I haven’t let reading or blogging stress me out and I have been having fun again. But yet, something is still missing.

That something is just being a young girl who doesn’t run a very busy book blog. I haven’t seen that girl for nearly two years, when she was ten years old. I want to be that girl again! I want to try new things and make plans for the future I see myself in.

This is my last blog post on Reading Vacation. I am proud of what I’ve done, and now it’s time to move on. I am super excited about trying out some new things and having the time to just be a twelve-year-old girl. I hope you are happy for me too!

It feels like there are a million people for me to thank and it would be infinitely boring if I tried to make a list. Instead, I will thank the two people who have had the biggest impact on me; Kristi (The Story Siren) and HD (Reading Writing Breathing). Stick with me for a minute, and I will explain.

Kristi has been a fabulous friend to me from the very Very VERY beginning. She was the first blogger to send me an email, offer advice, promote this young girl who blogs, share books with me, and be my blogging friend. Kristi shared her wisdom and her heart when a mean book blogging boy bully threatened to turn my life upside down. She knows I love her and will never forget what she did. Kristi is the most awesome example of the kind of person I want to be when I grow up.

HD, whom I have only known for about five months, is like the boy version of me when it comes to books. Who else would put up with all my crazy book love tweets that overflow with ALL CAPS and OMGZZZZZ?  He was also brave enough to start Young Bloggers Unite with me when we first met.  There are only a handful of bloggers our age, and we are lucky enough to live in the same Texas town. I have like a zillion reasons to tell HD thank you, but the biggest one is for bringing a whole lot of happy into my life.

Happy Reading Y’all and thank you for visiting!

**I will still be on Twitter and I will keep Reading Vacation up so you can see my old posts. My ALA books will go to teachers or the library after I read them.**

Ditulis Oleh : admin // 7:44 PM


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