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Thursday, January 5, 2012

We’re late, we’re late! For a very important date!

A consistent bone of contention between my husband and myself is my strong tendency towards lateness and procrastination.  Call it a character flaw, if you will.  I have little to no concept of time, and it drives Matthew completely crazy.  I think it started when I stopped working a “real” job and going to school—I work well under structure and a little bit of pressure, so now, without that, I am sort of just a feather in the wind.  One of my major New Year’s goals is to get this under control, because I don’t love it about myself either.  (by the way, I’m NEVER late to really important things, I’m just talking about every day stuff. And sadly, if we’re good enough friends or family members, you have probably experienced my lateness quite frequently—if I don’t think there’s any risk of being fired, broken up with, or excommunicated, tardiness become less of an issue in my mind.)

In an effort to help create a little of that structure and “pressure” I seem to need in order to stay on task and schedule, my husband decided to enact a new little rule, which decrees that if I’m not ready by the time he says we’re leaving, he leaves without me.  Though it sort of makes me furious at him, it’s working.

But that doesn’t exactly help me stay on task during the day, and the other morning, when it was 10 AM and I was still unshowered and sitting on my computer in my PJs, Matthew came up with a solution.  “You know what I think would work really well for you?”  he said.

“What’s that?”

“Electroshock therapy.”

Dun dun DUN.  Is it really that bad?  Well, please don’t think less of me, you guys.  I have big plans for the coming year, and my lack of a schedule is the first thing that needs to go before I can achieve my goals.  AND, I now have the perfect little reminder of the passing time and my need to get a handle on it… this lovely little pocketwatch necklace from a company I’m sure you’ve heard of—Shabby Apple!  I’ve been wanting one of these puppies for quite awhile now, and this little token has come at the perfect time.  It’s lovely and I have dubbed it a symbol of my goals going forward.  :)

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{ Shirt and belt: J.Crew (last season), Necklace: c/o Shabby Apple }

Do any of you suffer from this same affliction?  Have you found any tricks to keep it under control?  I know most of you work and/or have a family so wasting time may not be an option, but if you work from home or otherwise have a similar problem to mine, I’d love to hear ways you’ve found to fix it! :)


Ditulis Oleh : admin // 7:14 AM


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