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Saturday, March 15, 2008

Kilimanjaro climbing, Tanzania safaris,information and climbing

Mount Kilimanjaro has a lot about Nature, People and Cultural inheritance everyone has to know and enjoy. Mount Kilimanjaro National Park is one of the 14 parks which are under the Custodian of Tanzania National Parks (TANAPA). The Park was Designated and Gazetted in 1973, and has an area of 756 square kilometres.
Mount Kilimanjaro is the Gift of God to all people around the globe; it is declared the World Heritage Site. Much information on internet available about Mt. Kilimanjaro do not still reveal all the secrets it entails. Mountains are so important due to their diverse and useful ecosystems they posses. Their necessity to health life of all human beings that is why The United Nations has declared 2002, the International year of Mountains.
Kilimanjaro is the majestic Mountain shrouded in mist, mystery and legend. It attracts a large number of climbers, naturalists, and explorers every year, each determined to conquer its majestic heights. Without following designated routes it can be difficult for Climber to reach the summit, many Europeans attempted. Take these vivid examples; finally Rebmann was the first European to have sighted Mt. Kilimanjaro in 1848, and it was not until 1889 when Hans Meyer successfully scaled the summit.
Mountain climbing is exhilarating, beautiful and challenging. As thousands of Tourists climb Mt. Kilimanjaro every year, our guides’ gains experience, explore and narrate all what is new in Mt. Kilimanjaro geology, Forests, wild animals, weather, and tips on successful climbing to the top.
Now, we welcome you to join the writer, read and know contemporary news about Mt.Kilimanjaro. After reading this paper, you will be the first one to know any discoveries and changes which occur in Kilimanjaro and East Africa.

Welcome, Bienvenue, Willkomen!
Now, relax and Join us in Kilimanjaro Trekking in Mind. For generations, people in East Africa have turned to this, the 19,341-foot mountain that rises above the rest of the continent, and prayed. "Please God," they asked, thinking he lived on top of Kilimanjaro. Now outsiders flock to this trekking Mecca, to this piece of heaven on earth. Some are looking for adventure, some are searching for answers. Many will talk to God during the climb. Some will pray as they gasp for breath in the cold, thinning air of the mountain's summit. Kilimanjaro, the Everyman's Everest, is a seemingly easy climb.

Kilimanjaro Location
Kilimanjaro is located just (Location: 3.07 S, 37.35 E) near the equator, in the Tropical Country yet its peak covered by snow throughout the year. Rising abruptly from the open plains, capped by snow and frequently fringed by clouds, it is one of Africa’s classic Mt. Kilimanjaro Formation/Genesis
Kilimanjaro is a giant statovolcano reaching an elevation of 19,335.6 ft. (5,895 m). Is one of the largest Volcanos ever to burst through the earth’s crust?
Africa's tallest mountain, with its white peak, is one of the most instantly recognisable sights in the world. But as this aerial photograph shows, Kilimanjaro's trademark snowy cap, at 5,895 metres (19,340ft), is now all but gone - 15 years before scientists predicted it would melt through global warming.
Kilimanjaro is a dormant, but not extinct Volcano. Ominous rumbles can sometimes be heard and gases emerge from the fume holes in the crater. Although it is just three degrees south of the Equator, the peaks of both Kibo and Mawenzi have permanent caps of Snow and Ice.
Global Warming Effects
Practical Explanation of How Global Warming has so Far Affected Mount Kilimanjaro; Thompson began analyzing ice cores—cylindrical samples—for the information they hold about the Earth's historic weather patterns in his lab at Ohio State University, where he's a professor of geological sciences. Figuring that the highest, coldest ice contains the most accurate records, Thompson pioneered new technologies to drill at altitudes such as Peru's treacherously high Quelccaya Ice Cap.
In 2000 Thompson took ice samples from Africa's Mount Kilimanjaro, a peak that has lost 80 percent of its ice cover in the past hundred years.
For Thompson, high science has attracted a lot of attention. His projects highlighting radical climate changes have been referenced by Al Gore, the New York Times, and the BBC. Three years ago Time magazine ranked him as one of "America's Best" in science and medicine.
Tourism to Kilimanjaro is the number one foreign-currency earner for Tanzania. Some 20,000 tourists travel to the mountain each year, and more than half of them make it to the summit, at least partially to see the tropical glaciers that have been immortalized by [visual] artists and in Hemmingway's The Snows of Kilimanjaro.
Mount Kilimanjaro Climbing
If you have not planned To Visit Tanzania and climb Mount Kilimanjaro, plan it now! You need to witness the Climatic change and its effects. Don’t wait to be told or just read as History from Books. A little more legend about this Highest Volcanic Mountain which is crowned by Snow! Other names for this volcano are: Kilima Dscharo, Oldoinyo Oibor (White Mountain in Masai), and Kilima Njaro meaning shining mountain in Swahili. This volcano's highest and youngest cone is named Kibo. Its outstanding features are its three major volcanic centers, Shira (4269m) in the West, Mawenzi (5280) in the East and the Snow capped Kibo in the centre (5895m). Kibo has not been active in modern times, but steam and sulfur are still emitted. At the top of Kibo's summit is a 1 1/2 mile (2 1/4 Km) wide crater. Kilimanjaro is the largest of an E-W belt of about 20 volcanoes near the southern end of the East African Rift Valley. It’s slopes and glaciers shimmering above the rising clouds and one of the greatest Volcanoes on Earth

KILIMANJARO NATURE, CULTURE and Ultimately successful Climb
Lowlands and even relatively high sheltered valleys can reach temperatures as high as 30 degree centigrade by day, night time temperatures generally fall below zero and even -20 degree centigrade.
The cloud cover over the rain forest tends to be denser. In Mt.Kilimanjaro National Park must be noted that Kilimanjaro has a typical Montane climate –unpredictable even in the ‘driest ‘season. A bright clear morning on Shira Plateau can turn to rain and Sleet in the Afternoon as the hot air rises from the lowland valleys and gathers moisture from the rainforest.
Get prepared for high altitude sun that can burn the skin severely and for cold nights that demand four season sleeping bags and good thermal clothing
Kilimanjaro Tribe - Cultural Tour
Today the main African Tribe to inhabit the Kilimanjaro foothill region is the Wachagga People. Most importantly they from the largest tribal group involved in the Operation of Kilimanjaro climbs. Wachagga are adapted so well and so cheerfully to the task of guiding and looking after the “Wageni” as they pour into Tanzanian their thousands to climb the big Mountain. It is clearly narrated in many Literature that the First White Man (European) –Hans Meyer to conquer Mt. Kilimanjaro in the year 1889 was led by Chagga Guide (Mr.YOHANA LAUWO) to the Top 5895m/19340ft.
Kilimanjaro Trails
During their time on the Mountain, climbers pass from a tropical to arctic environment in just a few 5/6/7 days. The climber can use one of these routes to climb the Mountain; These are Marangu (Coca cola), Machame ( Whisky), Rongai, Shira, and Umbwe route/trail.Various trails first pass through lush rainforests before reaching heather and open Moorland where giant lobelia and huge cactus –like groundsel grow.
Above moorland is the almost lunar landscape of an alpine desert which stretches between the two peaks of Kibo, the flat topped dome at the centre, and Mawenzi, a group of jagged points and pinnacles on the eastern side. In hospitable as this “moonscape” may seem, animals such as herds of eland thrive there. 

Proceed Climbing after rewarding Narration ……of
The highest point on Kibo and indeed the whole of Kilimanjaro is Uhuru Peak, with its spectacular hanging glaciers and stupendous views of the African plains some 20000 feet below. Also on Kibo is the slightly lower peak of Gillman’s Point. These are the goals for most trekkers. The peaks of Mawenzi are for Mountaineers only. With the Help of Porters and a Guide, it is possible to walk all the way to the summit without specialized Mountaineering equipment-or experience and Kilimanjaro can be conquered by any reasonably fit person. There are several different routes including Marangu (Coca cola route), the easiest climb, and therefore the most popular; Other routes Machame, Rongai, Lemosho/Londorosi Shira, Mweka and Umbwe.
The total climb normally takes five to six days and involves four or five overnight stays in comfortable mountain huts/camping sites. Fees payable in US dollars include park entrance and accommodation for climbers (Tourists). Guides and Porters, food, Camping equipments, food, Transport is organized by the Tour Operator/Travel Agency. Climbing gears/equipments like walking sticks, boots e.t.c can be brought by the Climber/tourists or hired from the National Park Gate private Stores or Tour Operator Office.

Apart from climbing kilimanjaro, tourist can do kilimanjaro sight seeing day tours. Discover natural waterfalls, cultural tourism, coffee plantations, banana farms and natural volcanic tours.

ALTITUDE SICKNESS, Measures and Price:
Kilimanjaro climb is lifetime adventure trek, with professional mountain guide. Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro sometimes encounters with difficulty like mountain/altitude sickness. Mountain sickness when climbing mt. Kilimanjaro can be overcame/prevented by some measures. Professional and experienced guide can do guide you climb Mount Kilimanjaro slowly slowly. Kilimanjaro climb slowly slowly enables the climber do breath enough, so get enough natural oxygen. Also Bottled mineral and natural spring water from the Kilimanjaro snow/glacier melting and pass through volcanic rocks in Kilimanjaro. 6/7 days is very important so that one day can be used as acclimatization day. You know, acclimatization day is important as it get you used to the climate and hence reduce risk of falling to Altitude/Mountain Sickness. Mountain/Altitude sickness can reduce success.The skills and experience of Mountain Guides also helps you to reach Kilimanjaro summit. Like how water is important, walking, food and much more in which you can know on arrival


Kilimanjaro climb is cheap and possible for everyone, but depends on services.
The prices varies according to the type of accommodation (standard budget tourist hotels, 3*, 4*, 5*) on arrival/pre climb dates. Also number of days determines the price, get price quotations and read package details to understand the quality.
Several Tour Operators offer kilimanjaro climbing competitive prices and quality services. You can contact several climbing mount kilimanjaro tour operators and compare prices. Make sure you also check their services to see what are included. And if possible ask them for references or testimonials from past tourists. Prices vary, how ever cheapest may jeopardize the quality of services.


The warmest months with the clearest trekking days, are from mid to late December, January, February, September and October. The rains often come in April and the start of May with the possibility of some snow.
June through to August are superb trekking months, though evening temperatures tend to be colder. The wettest months, are November and early December, where snow falls are likely. Note however, that as this is a mountain it is not impossible to get sporadic snow or rainfall at odd times throughout the year.
Many people like to arrange their summit around a full moon and Christmas and New Year are very popular
Of the Seven Summits, Kilimanjaro is the least difficult to climb. However, at over 19,000ft high, it is still a tough ascent and trekkers will need to be in good physical condition. Our expedition incorporates a thorough programme of acclimatisation, including an ascent of nearby Mount Meru (4,556m/14,947ft) as preparation for the main objective. By applying our expertise from guiding many of the world's most formidable mountains, including Everest, we have established an unparalleled track record of success on Kilimanjaro.

Without the Climb, Mt. Kilimanjaro with safari in itself
It is not necessary to be a climber to enjoy a visit to the stunning Mount Kilimanjaro region. Indeed visitors can ascend 12000 feet to the Shira Plateau of West Kilimanjaro by Four –Wheel drive vehicle.
Day and night game drives are taken in open Land cruisers that allow for a full view in every direction.
In its turn the rainforest ensures the fertility of the lush, lower-lying people ‘shamba’ country where the Chagga people cultivate their Coffee, maize, and bananas.
A stroll through the plantations will provide a fascinating insight into the lives of local population. A few larger mainly Arabica Coffee farms still exist on the lower slopes. Once you visit you can taste a cup of Coffee with tantalizing pure aroma.
One can visit local wood carvers and observe the vibrant patterns of the beadwork, necklace, and earrings. Also there are curio Shops you can get Antique pieces, souvenirs and pieces Gemstones and jewels like Tanzanite.
Nearby, close to the road between Moshi and Taveta, is Lake Chala, an azure Crater-Lake formed from the waters that drain off Mount. Kilimanjaro.
Lake Jipe lies on the same same road. Sixteen kilometers long by five Kilometers wide, it is slightly saline and significantly large than Chala. On the Tanzania-Kenya border, It is rarely visited so exudes an atmosphere of tranquillity and Seclusion.
After a day of gentle exercise and sight seeing Visitors can return to one of the many small Hotels in the area offering character accommodation and highly personalized Service. They are great places in which to relax and unwind – and to view the colours of the sunset reflected on the Snow capped peaks of magical Mount Kilimanjaro
The Mountains ecosystems are as strikingly beautiful as they are varied and diverse remains of early (Ancestral) Plants and Animals like the Bones of elephants died on the high altitudes of Mt.Kilimanjaro long ago. Black and white Colobus monkey, resident and migratory Birds are available

Another options is day trips
Points of interest.
  • Waterfalls, with clear azure blue water, some can attempt swimming
  • To go for a Birdwatching and explore the diversity of Bird species in Mount Kilimanjaro National Park.
  • Cultural Tourism-There are a number of cultural Tourism Programs around Mt. Kilimanjaro. This includes Mostly Chagga and some Maasai. You can Reveal the useful Customs& Traditions, remains of ancient pre-colonial activities like iron smith and Colonial Wars like War Caves., First Churches built by Missionaries.
  • Home and Legend of the Chagga Guide and Marangu native (African) Mr. Yohana Lauwo who was among the first Mountain Climber guide and aided the First Whiteman (European) Dr.Hans Meyer to Conquer Mt.Kilimanjaro in 1889.

*Mount Meru; Tanzania
Meru, Tanzania. Location: 3.25S, 36.75E. Elevation: 15,000 ft (4565 m) Meru is a stratovolcano in Tanzania. Its history has been quite explosive. It has had four eruptions, the last of which occurred in 1910.
Mount Meru is located within Arusha National Park. Mount Meru has the extinct Volcano’s extensive base which gives a way to a perfectly formed Crater, and another internal Crater whose walls are sharp sheer cliffs. An ash cone forms a subsidiary peak and the Momella Lakes and Ngurdoto Crater are visible from Meru slopes.
When hiking Mount Kilimanjaro at about 10000ft, mount Meru is Visible.
Oldonyo Lengai-Maasai Mountain of God (Sacred Mountain).
Ol Doinyo Lengai (2878m/9650ft) is a volcano located in the north of Tanzania and is part of the volcanic system of the Great Rift Valley in Eastern Africa. Overlooking Lake Natron, Oldonyo Lengai is erupting now, a lot of magma, lava and Ashes poring ashes in Serengeti sky.


Ditulis Oleh : admin // 3:51 AM


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