Episode #019
E X A C T L Y * 7 6 * S E C O N D S
"I was wondering where the ducks went when the lagoon got all icy and frozen over. I wondered if some guy in a truck came in a truck and took them away to a zoo or something. Or if they just flew away."That's Holden Caulfield, wondering in print about the ducks of Central Park.
After JD Salinger's death yesterday, many articles are doing a great job of revisiting Holden's New York, as dictated by the immortal two-day walking tour as dictated Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye -- this is the best one, though this one has photos.
I revisited the most memorable point, Central Park's pond, to see how Holden's ducks were faring on a particularly cold day.
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