By: Elizabeth Cody Kimmel
“The truth is, I find it very embarrassing when my mother talks to plants.”
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from goodreads
Kat can see spirits, but what's even worse is the fact that spirits can also see her, especially the exceptionally needy ones. As this medium-in-training discovers, having an entourage of dead people can be kind of overwhelming-and a tad scary. So when an exploration of the abandoned house next door leads Kat and her best friend on a search for a missing boy, Kat's not sure if she wants to help—or even if she can.
Elizabeth Cody Kimmel's second Suddenly Supernatural book reminds readers that some things are even scarier than surviving middle school.
In the first Suddenly Supernatural book, School Spirit, Kat had just gained her powers. This time around, Kat is becoming more comfortable with the special gift she has been given. She is not as reluctant to use them, and she is not quite as overwhelmed by them. I liked reading about Kat’s transformation.
Kat feels the presence of many spirits who follow her around. This can be scary for her and she must learn to not feel so freaked out by it all. In particular, her mother’s friend, Orin, is very helpful. I liked that Orin did not talk down to Kat, but instead, actually helped her.
Although I loved the characters, my favorite part of this book was the plot itself. The story line involving the spirit (well, it’s sort of a spirit and sort of not) that Kat helps is peculiar and fascinating. It really had me thinking about what happens to a person’s spirit if they are in a serious accident.
This series is perfect for a middle-grade reader who likes spooky stories that also have a realistic feel. My review of Unhappy Medium – Suddenly Supernatural #3 comes out later today. Stay tuned.
5 Plot
5 Characters
4 Attention Grabbing
4 Girlie Meter
4 Ending
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