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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Unhappy Medium - Suddenly Supernatural #3



By:  Elizabeth Cody Kimmel


“I daydream a lot, especially during science class.”

from goodreads

In this third Suddenly Supernatural book, spirit-seeing Kat has pretty much overcome her fear of communicating with ghosts. But when she and best friend Jac visit the Whispering Pines Mountain House and Kat is challenged to help a deceased medium make her way back into the light, things get a little darker.

From battling off dark spirits to fighting with Jac, Kat's week-long stay at the haunted mountain house is anything but relaxing. The question is what will be scarier: facing off with a misguided spirit or with her best friend, whose mother happens to be their chaperone?


In this third book of the Suddenly Supernatural series, Kat ventures off to a music convention with her friend Jac and Jac’s mother.  The convention is held in a mountain house hotel from the 1800’s.  A change in scenery doesn’t bring a change in supernatural activity for Kat.  It seems that the spirits follow her everywhere!

Unhappy Medium brings relationship issues front and center.  There is tension all around – Kat vs Jac, Jac vs her mother, Kat vs spirit, spirit vs spirit.  It is no wonder that Kat is unhappy.  I would be too!  However, I did like that this part of the story was realistic.  It is natural for everyone (medium, spirit, or everyday person) to have relationship conflicts from time-to-time.

My favorite character is Madame Serena.  She is a spirit who doesn’t even know she’s a spirit.  It’s a crazy story, but she calls Kat, Simple Kat – and she thinks KAT is the one who is a spirit.  The whole thing made me giggle.

The Suddenly Supernatural series just keeps getting better.  I am looking forward to reading Crossing Over – Suddenly Supernatural #4.  I can’t wait to see what is in store for Kat and Jac.


4        Plot

5        Characters

5        Attention Grabbing

5        Girlie Meter

4        Ending

23      TOTAL

5        STARS

Ditulis Oleh : admin // 6:15 AM


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