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Friday, December 31, 2010

A Trip Down Memory Lane...

January 31, 2010.  The very last day of a year we will never have back again.

As I reminisced on 2010 for purposes of this post, I was simply astonished by all that has changed in my life over the past 365 days - and consequently, how it has all changed me.

Twelve months ago, I was fresh out of college.  I was planning a wedding, preparing to change cities, and adjusting to the fact that I was about to quit the job I had kept since age 15 - for 7 and a half years. 

Twelve months ago, everything about my life turned upside down, and now here I am.  And I'm OK.  

Isn't it incredible how much life can change in one short year?

I have a few things to say about New Year's resolutions, but I'll save that for another post in the near future. Right now I'd like to take a little trip down memory lane... and you're welcome to join me. :)

In January of 2010 I took bridal portraits at the beautiful Antique Rose Emporium in San Antonio. 
It was freezing cold out (by Texas standards), and yet I had to try my best to look like a happy, sexy bride when all I really wanted to do was dive into a mountain of Snuggies and not come out til April. 

In February of 2010 I married my Prince.
I know.  Cheesy.  But cheese is the stuff this life is made of, my friends!

Thanks to Bend the Light Photography!  They're the BEST!

And we split our honeymoon between Hawaii and New York City. 
Not too shabby.

How unfortunate that this was the view from our hotel room!

And then we finished up the renovation on our new home!

See before and afters here or here!

I explored Austin.

I was stung in the head by an unprovoked bee that, discriminatingly, chose ME over seven others beside me in a ranch vehicle.

I took 4 million iPhone pictures of these two...

(yes. 4 million)

I got serious about blogging.
You're welcome.

I went back to New York with a friend.

I made my first pie...

I got this baby for my birthday...

I met up with friends I hadn't seen in 10 years!
(They weren't even dating when I knew them last, but now they're married and have a beautiful daughter!)

And that's just some of the highlights.  Not including Thanksgiving and Christmas!

What a year.
Here's hoping that 2011 is even better for all of us...



Ditulis Oleh : admin // 6:32 AM


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