Yesterday I realized I had reached a milestone in my life.
That’s right folks. One thousand iPhone pictures. In less than 6 months.
What does one photograph when one takes 1000 photographs with one’s cell phone camera?
Let’s take a look. ;)
Loved Ones
These Two
(And I assure you, “these two” take up about 75% of the 1000 pictures)
The Puppy That Matthew Got Me Which We Had To Give Back Cause Gracie and Cooper Wanted To Eat It
(Read more HERE)
Screenshots Of When I Slaughtered Matthew’s Fastest Time and Fewest Moves On The Solitaire App
One of my worst haircuts to date.
Culinary Creations
New York City
(Read more HERE)
The Giant Pterodactyl/Moth That Lived On Our Patio For Several Days and Cast A Dark and Ominous Cloud of Fear and Uncertainty Over My Life During That Time
I swear, it was MUCH bigger in person.
Stuff in Matthew’s Emergency Bag
(read more HERE)
Room Makeovers
(Read more HERE)
So there you have it: a little sampling of my cell phone picture album. I apologize for the complete pointlessness of this post, but I do not apologize for the fun I had creating it. :)
Have a wonderful new week, darlings!
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