I’m not gonna lie. This post is a whole week late and actually covers TWO weekends ago — January 1st and 2nd. But I think recent events excuse my tardiness, yes?
As some of you may already know, Matthew’s family owns a ranch down here in Texas, and every now and then we like to go there for a little weekend getaway. Now that I have my delicious new camera, I’m even MORE eager to visit there once the season changes and all of those glorious Texas wildflowers begin to show their lovely little faces. It’s interesting how I’ve begun to see the world through a completely new set of eyes now that I’m getting into photography. And I’m sure this blog will be all the better for it!
Pictures tell a story. You know what they say… “a picture is worth a thousand words!”
So I’ll let the following photos tell most of the stories, with just a few of my own interjections now and then. ;)
Clearly, the weekend was NOT a particularly wild or revelrous one (and according to spell check and my iPhone dictionary app, “revelrous” isn’t a word, but I’m declaring it one, starting NOW). I tend to hang with a pretty low key crowd. I’m not a big drinker. In fact, one glass of wine or one martini has me begging for my bed. So on New Year’s Eve, we all just sat around a fire and made s’mores and talked a little about New Year’s resolutions before heading to an early bedtime. Thrilling, I know. But at least I got some fun photos out of the weekend!
Matthew’s cousin was wearing these amazing red Converse sneakers, so of course I HAD to photograph them.
And come to think of it, I should probably ask her permission before posting the following few pictures of her, but you know what? Everyone in my life should just consider themselves “at risk” of making an appearance on my blog at any given time.
This girl is 13, but doesn’t she totally have modeling potential?! She’s tall and skinny, too. Check, and check.
The adorableness that is my mother-in-law!
And guys, I’m not trying to prove that I’m a badass with these next few pictures. My husband just MADE me practice shooting these guns, for self-defense purposes and what not, so I figured I might as well be photographed while doing it. For my blog.
And low and behold, a bee attacked me right in the midst of my rifle shooting lesson, and it’s CAUGHT ON CAMERA.
This next gun was scary. I shot it for the first time, and then suddenly I had this hooooorrible ringing in my ear - and apparently I started flailing around with the loaded gun in my hand. Next thing I knew, Matthew was screaming at me to put the gun down.
Sheesh. Teaches him a lesson to make me shoot awful, scary guns that hurt my eardrums.
So that was my New Year’s weekend in a nutshell.
Thank you all SO VERY MUCH for your continued support and prayers for my stepdad. I feel so incredibly blessed to have such wonderful friends, even if most of us will only ever be Internet buddies. :)
Have a great week!!!
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