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Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Third Degree - Snow (Ice) Days


Photo credit to Webshots

Just last week I was bragging about it being 75 degrees here in the Dallas – Fort Worth area. It was like Springtime all sunny and warm.

Fast forward to this week - Super Bowl week. 

An ice storm hit early Tuesday morning. No school. Wednesday was the coldest day in the last TWENTY years. There were wind chills way below zero. No school. Today is Thursday and it is still below freezing. No school AGAIN. And get this, it may snow tomorrow.

This is unheard of. We normally get maybe (and I stress the maybe) one or two ice/snow days a year. Never three in a row. The ice usually melts the same day.

What is a girl to do? READ and BLOG of course! Here is how I’ve spent my time off.


A few Maximum Ride Books...

School’s Out – Forever (hmmm, that’s ironic)


Six Reviews

One Author Interview

One Guest Post

One Third Degree (you're reading it)

And I’m not done. I have all day today to add to that list. Maybe snow (ice) days aren’t so bad after all. Now, I’m off to make some hot chocolate.

Ditulis Oleh : admin // 5:05 AM


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