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Sunday, March 20, 2011

A PAINFUL Foot in Mouth Moment… and a Very Serendipitous Encounter!

Such is my life.

Yesterday afternoon my mom and I headed out to a delightful little restaurant called The Steeping Room here in Austin. They serve dozens of different kinds of delicious hot teas that come to you piping hot in cute little colorful pots, and the food is great too! Here are a few pictures…

The Steeping Room 003 The Steeping Room 009 The Steeping Room 020 The Steeping Room 033 The Steeping Room 040 The Steeping Room 042 

I should preface the following story by saying that it’s a known fact that whenever my mom and I hang out, something weird happens.  I think the combination of our awkwardness is too much for the universe to bear, and so things start to go haywire.  For instance, one time we were driving along on the highway in my mom’s former car, a Kia Sportage, when the trunk door of the car randomly popped open, creating a terrifying wind tunnel in the vehicle.  Weird crap like that.

So at lunch, we chatted away while enjoying our tea and sandwiches, and we had a really nice time - until the very end of our experience, when our server came to clear our plates.  ***I should begin by noting that the server was ever so slightly plump but NOT fat and NOT pregnant.***

As the girl picked up about four of our plates, balancing them partially on her arm and partially on her stomach, my mother turned to her and said:

“Ohh!  You have a little shelf there, huh?”

Server: “Excuse me?”

Mom: (looking down at the plates that rested against the girl’s stomach)“You have a little shelf there!”

Server (Awkward laugh): “Ohh… yeah.”  (turns and walks away quickly)

Now mind you, I’m sitting, wide-eyed, across the table and watching in horror as my mother makes this “shelf” comment.  When the server walked away, my mom turned to me and, seeing the expression on my face, her eyes started to widen as well. Her smile froze.  Panic washed over her face.

Mom: Shit… SHIT.  (and my mom rarely cusses, by the way, but if ever a situation called for expletives, it was this one)

Jenni: (bursts into uncontrollable laughter) “Whhhhhy did you say that?!”

Mom: I thought she was pregnant!!

Jenni: “Oh my gosh, Mom.”

Mom: “We need to leave.”

Jenni: “We have to pay! And you need to apologize!”

Mom: “Nooo! Believe me, if I try to apologize, I will just make it worse.” (look of horror on face is intensifying)

Jenni: (laughing so hard she is now wiping away tears)

Mom: "I HATE people who say things like that.  I’ve always thought they were the scum of the earth, and now I’m one of them!! I probably just ruined that poor girl’s day.

Jenni: “Yeah, probably.  There’s really no good way she could have taken that comment.”

Mom: “OK, just so you know, I only act stupid like that when I’m with YOU! Things like this don’t just happen to me.” (thanks Mom)

The server came back by to drop off our check, and I smoothed things over.  I told her my mom didn’t realize how bad the shelf comment could come off and was just referring to the way she was balancing the plate on her hip. 

Phew.  Hopefully she bought it.

* * * * * *

Now, on to the “serendipitous encounter” alluded to in this post’s title.

So, my mom and I were walking out of the restaurant shortly after the
“shelf incident” and, once about 20 feet out the front door, I suddenly heard someone calling my name!
  It crossed my mind that it was probably a different Jenni since I barely know anyone in Austin, but I turned around and, lo and behold, it was Allison from The Blogivers! We read each other’s blogs, especially since we both live in Austin, but we have never actually met before.  She recognized my mom and I from her spot outside the nearby Starbucks, and I am SO glad she said hello!  She was even cooler in person, and it totally made my day to meet her and get to chat with her a bit.  We even got a picture together!  As you can see, she is about to have a baby!

The Steeping Room 047( Sidenote: I love that there is a crotch directly beside my head. )

After chatting a bit, we went our separate ways.  We both went home, and we even exchanged an email that afternoon. 

But as if that chance encounter wasn’t chance enough, we both ended up at the same restaurant for dinner last night!!!  Matthew came home from the ranch a day early, so he and I decided to go to dinner across town.  As we sat down, I glanced around. 

My jaw hit the floor when I saw Allison and her family sitting nearby.  Part of me wanted to bolt so she wouldn’t think I had followed her or something, but I ultimately decided it was just TOO WEIRD not to go say hi!  I mean, WHAT ARE THE ODDS?!  I told her we pretty much have to be BFFs now.  The Universe has decreed it. 

Go visit her blog HERE to read her account of our meeting(s)!  She is so witty and cute and fun, and you will love her!!

Happy Sunday!!!


Ditulis Oleh : admin // 8:19 AM


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