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Thursday, May 5, 2011

7 Stories Day 4: Megan from Across the Pond!

I’ve got another treat for you today.  This time, in the form of Megan from Across the Pond
This awesome chick lives over in London, though she’s really a California girl.
Most importantly, she’s hilarious and smart and has a little story for us today.  So without further ado, here’s the lovely lady herself!
* * * * *
Hi there story of my lifers!
I am Megan,
literally and bloggingly.
(blogginly replaced metaphorically)
in case you missed that.
I am just your average former fashion industry girl from Los Angeles
turned neuroscientist in England
who sometimes forgets to button my pants
and over doses on Cheetos.
this is the beginning my story:
I woke up one morning to the rapid beating of my heart
the smell of longing
and the bitter taste of rejection.
I was no longer me.
But a shell of a person consumed with the vanities of an industry void of moral conduct.
I had been thinking about what my friend had told me..
it rang in my ear like a resounding gong..
for months i tried to pretend that this is where I was supposed to be..
and yet the unsettling feeling in the pit of my stomach stayed.
I went to my computer.
As I usually did first thing upon waking up.
Eager to check my myspace for a hint of an existing future.
An ‘out’ of this reality that had sucked away my lust and love for all things pretty.
He had replied.
My psycho babble did not scare him off.
Most likely saved by the post produced photoshopped default image.
Our brothers were best friends.
and better yet, He did not live in LA nor did he desire to be an Actor.
A modern day miracle.
And 6 months later instead of hopping on a plane to another country (that apparently was meant to come later)
I packed up my car and moved an hour south to Orange County.
Suburb hopping if you will.
Except this suburb didn’t have a downtown.
Just miles upon miles of beige and strategically planned landscaping.
My little studio attached to a little yellow house, two blocks from The Boyfriend’s (he wasn’t The Husband yet) was a perfect way to start fresh..
and then I realized I had to get a real job... crap.
to find out more about me,
my eventual move to England,
and now my current life living, studying, and loving abroad,
visit me Across The Pond!

* * * * *

Now would be a good time to go make friends with Megan.

Just do it.  You can thank me later.


Ditulis Oleh : admin // 4:30 AM


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