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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Santa Claus is coming to town…


Well, in 164 days.

Today I woke up in a funk. I had terrible dreams ALL. NIGHT. LONG. Those kind you wake up in a cold sweat from, disoriented and freaked out—and then finally, so flippin’ relieved when you realize you just woke from a dream.  You know the kind.

Said funk continued all throughout the morning as I wallowed around my home like a zombie, a true sight to behold.  I had slept on wet hair last night, which renders me a terrifying spectacle come morning.  It always makes me laugh when people say I never take a bad picture. I should TOTALLY photograph myself first thing in the morning, with glasses, no make-up, and a matted rat’s nest of a head after sleeping upon wet hair.  It is SO sexy. (NOT.)

So anyway, I allowed myself to remain in my little glass case of emotion and dishevelment until nearly noon, when I finally showered and forced myself to get on with the day. 

Then I made the mistake of looking at the weather forecast on my phone again.  103, 104, 100, 105, 105, 100… depressing.  I love sunshine and all, but day after day after day of blazing, sun-shiney heat gets a little old.  I want a cozy, rainy day, at least!

So, as if rebelling against that oppressive forecast, I began listening to Christmas radio on Pandora.  And something magical happened.  My funk lifted.  My SPIRITS lifted!  It was just what I needed.  I went upstairs to my little holiday closet, and gazed lovingly upon my beloved wrapping paper stash. Ribbons and bows.  Little Christmas knick-knacks.  And it gave me so much joy to think of the coming holidays!

The remainder of this year will bring big changes for me and my little family.  Things I’ve mentioned here (the beginning steps of a photography biz!), and things I haven’t mentioned here quite yet.  But today, I felt a little bit of that peace and joy and hope of the holidays. 

And I’m holding onto it as long as I can.

Christmas in July 001  Christmas in July 014 Christmas in July 019 Christmas in July 007

Christmas in July 017

Moral of the story?  Listen to Christmas music when you’re in a bad mood and it’s a zillion degrees out.  Worked for me! :)


Ditulis Oleh : admin // 11:24 AM


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