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Monday, August 15, 2011

Guess what?

Matthew is about to start law school.

WOA! What? Where did that come from, right?  Warn us first before you spring this kind of stuff on us, Jenni!  (Just playing.  I mean, not about the law school thing, but about your unlikely reaction to it).

No, but really.  Almost a year ago, he decided it was something he really wanted to do, for a number of reasons.  So he studied day and night for the LSATS, took them, did great, got into a school (details of which I won’t be relaying here on the interwebs), and now he’s about to start.

I haven’t written about this on the ole blog yet.  I’m not really sure why.  Maybe I’ve been hoping he might change his mind about it. 

But now, as his first day looms, it’s starting to sink in that our reality is about to become quite different.  For the first year and a half of our marriage, he and I have spent nearly every waking moment together, as we’ve both been working from home.  Which may sound awesome, but it’s really not as awesome as you think, after a while.  Separation is good, and even VITAL in a relationship.  Too much togetherness breeds secret, murderous contempt.  (kidding.)

But as the impending rigors of law school approach, I can’t help but feel some anxiety.  Law school is supposed to be tough on relationships, though I’d like to think that we are stronger than your average bears.  Neither of us are needy, and I think I could definitely find plenty to do with all my extra alone time.  Such as gobbling up books like I’ve never done before, writing as much as possible, studying photography and editing, starting up my little business, and of course, supporting my man in every way possible.

I also know that I can be a selfish biotch sometimes fairly regularly.  I’m worried about how I’ll start to feel when Matthew’s head is buried in books every waking moment, and ::gasp:: he doesn’t have time to watch the Harry Potters with me or take my outfit pictures or go somewhere so it can appear we have a life… (for my blog).  Will I remain gracious and understanding and good-wifely, or will I throw PMS-induced tantrums and cry and wail of the injustices of my unfortunate situation?

I know, I know, I’m being a tad dramatic.  But I know things will be different now.  We’ll be pinching pennies like no other for one thing, and time together will be precious.

But you know what?  As much as I am anxious, I’m also excited.  I’m so proud of my husband for following his heart and being courageous enough to make this big change, even though the decision wasn’t always a popular one.  And I’m even excited about all the extra time this will give ME, to pursue some of my own dreams.  I can’t help but feel that we’re right on the edge of something great, though maybe getting there will take a few years of sacrifice.

And just because, here’s a picture of us from my mom’s birthday dinner on Thursday, complete with happy, smiling faces.  We’ll see how long they last…  (ha ha)

Mom's bday '11 067

And of course, if there are any law school/med school wives out there with some helpful advice for us, I’d love to hear it! 

Have a nice Monday!!


Ditulis Oleh : admin // 7:39 AM


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