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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Prayers appreciated

Hey sweet friends… those of you who follow me on Twitter may already know a little about this, but last night my step dad Edd (who has stage 4 cancer) had two more seizures and possibly a stroke and is back in the hospital.  If you haven’t been following too long, you can read a little more about the background of all this here

All I really have the heart to write at the moment is a few facts—that this is scary and heartbreaking and prayers are appreciated.  And life is precious and our family is precious and a lot of the things we think matter most actually matter least. 

So give your husband or boyfriend or your mom or dad or your best friend a big hug and tell them you love them… and then mean it and show it. 

Please say a prayer or send some positive thoughts our way—please and thank you. :)


Ditulis Oleh : admin // 12:44 PM


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