Here are some things I found fascinating from the last week:
- Frederick the Great, a possibly gay German warrior king who befriended Voltaire and tried to run away from his abusive father, is tributed in Germany with a small potato.
- An Amish man is being charged for hate crime, including forced beard-shavings. His name is Mullet.
- Marky Ramone -- drummer of the Ramones -- now makes pasta sauce. He recommends 'go kiss someone you love.'
- The WTO estimates that the number of travelers in 2012 will break one billion.
- Apparently 226 million vacation days in the US will not be used in 2012.
- Eight-two stranded dolphins have been found at Cape Cod.
- BBC's Sherlock is a lot better than the dumb Sherlock Holmes film series with Robert Downey Jr.
- PBS' documentary on George Custer doesn't mention Crazy Horse or the fate of the Lakota Sioux.
- The only US state to lose population in the last census? Michigan. (I'm late to this.)
- You can fly to St Martin for under $400 in peak season, take a $15 ferry to celebby Anguilla, rent a car for $50 and stay in a nice B&B for $135. DIY Caribbean.
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