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Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Third Degree - Ask Me Anything - Answers




What is your favorite movie?
Any of the Harry Potter movies.

Where do you like to read?
I prefer reading in my bedroom because my bed is super comfortable and I have a huge window with great light.  I will read pretty much anywhere that there is enough light though.

What is the cutest, cats or dogs?
We can’t have either one because of allergies, but I think dogs are cuter.  Well, most dogs anyways.

Keeping with the animal theme…..If you could be an animal, what would it be?
A lion!  I am a Leo, so that makes sense.  Roar!

Do you have friends that read as much as you do? Do they know about and read your blog?
Most of my friends are readers too.  None of them read as much as me.  They know about my blog and they sometimes ask to borrow books after they read my review.  We are more likely to talk about books face-to-face rather than through the blog.

What is your favorite food?
Healthy food = grapes
Main course = pasta with tomato sauce
Dessert = cookies

I have an 11 yr old daughter, so I was wondering what book you would recommend for reading. She tends to like more YA stuff.
I would recommend anything by Shannon Hale, especially The Goose Girl from The Books of Bayern series.  I know they are technically middle grade, but they are just so good.  I would also say The Cinderella Society by Kay Cassidy.  Ally Carter’s Gallagher Girls series is good too.

If you could rename yourself, what name would you choose?

Ditulis Oleh : admin // 8:30 AM


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