This blog post is for our Best Hawaii vacation visitors who live in the Pacific Northwest and look for cheap airfares from Seattle to Hawaii. To find cheap airfare deals, with fuel prices rising, had become top priority when currently planning a trip to Hawaii.
Hawaii visitors did not always find air ticket prices they could afford this summer, which was reason for a slowing down our Hawaii summer tourist business and caused private vacation rental owners to offer the lowest summer rental rates ever. Actually, the good rates for Hawaii vacation rentals continue all the way through August 2008.It's tough to follow all the Hawaii airline offers, deals and specials, while time consuming and appropriate knowledge required. I just came back from a visit to Beat of Hawaii, where I was happy to find Jeff's article from August 1st about 'Pacific Northwest to Hawaii deals' - Fly to Honolulu for under $400 RT (including all taxes, fees, surcharges).
So, maybe the announced rates including Round Trip Seattle to Honolulu for $402 (HA, NW) and Round Trip Portland to Honolulu for $392 (HA, NW) will work for you. Hope these cheap airfare deals - cheap always in comparison to recent high ticket prices - will come in time for our Hawaii visitors from Seattle and Portland.
Jeff starts his good airfare news revealing article: "This morning I see that both Hawaiian and United have joined the airfare sale that we noted yesterday from Northwest Airlines." If you want to take advantage of those airfare deals from Seattle to Honolulu, read the whole article by Beat of Hawaii. Last but not least, I did not double check the instructions Jeff advises how to book these cheap round trip tickets to Honolulu Hawaii but when Arthur Frommers from Frommers Budget Travel mentions Jeff's blog as a resource for Hawaii travel deals, it seems to be worthwhile to check it out.
Let us know what your current experience with airfares to Hawaii is. Detailed travel info: month of travel to Hawaii, airline and rate for round trip and where you booked your airfare special are appreciated information for our visitors. Mahalo and aloha, Pua Hawaii Vacations
With all the excitement about cheap tickets to Hawaii, we should not forget that Tina is our beautiful Hawaii post girl from WahineStyle. BTW, if you love Hawaiian music, you want to read about the Hawaiian Slack Key Guitar Festivals coming up on the islands + watch Hawaiian music youtube video.
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