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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A crazy lady from my past.

A couple days ago I was at the grocery store and saw a woman who made my heart stop.

I thought she was someone I knew from my waiting tables days… a particularly odd and borderline obnoxious customer who always made me cringe when I saw her walking through the door of that little diner where I once worked.

You meet ALL kinds of people in the service industry.  When I used to be a waitress, it always amused me how every single table I served was like its own little terrarium of unique characters—a different experience at each table, depending on the mannerisms and mood of the customers (and yes, depending on MY mood, as well).

Anyway.  As I said, my heart about skipped a beat when I saw that woman—who turned out to NOT be who I thought she was.   As relief washed over me upon realizing it wasn’t that dreaded customer, I laughed to myself and took a little trip down memory lane.

This woman would often come in with her husband, who seemed unphased by his wife’s shenanigans.  Probably because he lived with her too long and was finally dead inside.

The woman was obsessed with ice, and could never have enough.  I would cram her iced tea with ice, and bring her another cup of it on the side, but it seemed like she would always need more within a few minutes.  I would also refill her tea constantly because the glass was 89% full of ICE, not tea.

She was a bizarre woman, who always rolled up in a convertible with a Great Dane in the back.  And then she would sit in a booth by the window, so she could watch her dog and point out to anyone who would listen that the convertible and the Great Dane belonged to her.  It was amusing, to say the least.

I could go on and on about all of her eccentricities—the strange ways she ordered her food, the topics of conversations we had—but I won’t bore you with that.

I guess my memories of her just reminded me how funny and crazy this LIFE is.  So full of unique characters… both bad guys and good guys, and a few crazies who might just be along for the comic relief.  Embrace the oddballs.  They make life colorful and interesting. 

Why haven’t I told you guys more stories from my waiting tables days?  Hmmm.  I’ll have to remedy that.

No pictures for this one. Just thoughts.  I gotta go make dinner!  And I’m making guacamole!  You now how much I love the stuff. 

Have a nice evening. :)jennisig

PS – THANK YOU for all your supportive and encouraging comments after my announcement yesterday!  You guys are THE best.

Ditulis Oleh : admin // 3:38 PM


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