Hey everyone! WOAH. How is it December already? This is my absolute very favorite time of year, and now here we are. It’s cold and rainy here in ATX, and I’m sipping on my first cup of coffee since Monday, trying to avoid mirrors and the reflection of my ever-fattening face. Supposedly the swelling peaks 72 hours after surgery, which is today at noon. So I have that going for me.
Anyway, I’d like to introduce a few fabulous sponsors this morning. Pay ‘em a visit and say hello! Thanks pretties!
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First up is lovely miss Molly from the blog A Day in Mollywood. I’ve been following Molly’s story for quite some time now, and I am always so impressed with her ability to express herself with absolute honesty and beauty. Molly is a momma of two and an aspiring novelist, and she is also always very open about her struggles with depression. She's a REAL mom and a REAL woman—and I am proud to introduce her to you today!
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Second up is Jenn from the blog Jenzie! Jenn and her husband currently live over in Amsterdam where they are following their dreams as young entrepreneurs and green-living enthusiasts. Jenn and Justin are absolutely adorable and I’m sure you’ll love to follow their fascinating journey and peek in on their beautiful pictures from Europe!
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And last but not least, we have Hollie from the sweet blog Hollie Takes Notes! Hollie writes about her life and style and is kind of like that girl you think you could probably be BFFs with if you met in real life. Just sayin. :) She’s sweet as pie and funny to top it all off, so I suggest you go make friends with her immediately.
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Happy Friday everyone! Hope you have a really wonderful close to your week.
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